Sunday 23 October 2011

Teaching Mathematics in the 21st Century

Technology is an essential tool for learning mathematics in the 21st Century and all schools must ensure that all their students have access to technology. Effective teachers maximize the potential of technology to develop students' understanding, stimulate their interest, and increase their proficiency in mathematics. When technology is used strategically, it can provide access to mathematics for all students.
NCTM Position Statement on the Role of Technology in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (2008)

There are many new ways to enrich student learning at all grade levels. While technology can be used in K-3 classrooms to enrich student learning, a theme that is integrated throughout the outcomes and expectations of the curriculum documents. The NCTM Illuminations provides excellent resources for teaching and learning. There are resources for lesson plans and "math-lets" (applets designed to provide tools for developing understanding in mathematics). For students, there are multimedia investigation activities to practice their problem solving skills. In addition, the "Game Room Project" allows students to explore different mathematics topics and play games with other students over the Web.
Illuminations ( is an excellent resource for teachers looking for ways to expand on their existing lesson ideas or discover new lesson ideas.

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